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Here's what we've been working on

Featured Speaking Engagements

The Other Side Of Environmental Injustice: Parks and Greenspace Inequity in Marginalized Communities

Traditionally, environmental injustice has been thought of as pollution and inequitable distribution of environmental burdens in marginalized communities. However, in recent years, the environmental justice movement has incorporated a number of "spin-offs" related to land use and environment in marginalized communities. This session will describe the presenter's research and experience related to one of those spin-offs; namely, parks and greenspace inequity.

Community-Based Water Resource Engagement in the Cottage Grove Neighborhood

This presentation describes a WRRI funded two-year project to address environmental injustice in an 84% Black neighborhood that was developed adjacent to a decommissioned pre-regulatory landfill. The presentation detailed how I along with two undergraduate research assistants, volunteers, community liaisons, and collaborative cottage grove partners worked toward the stated goals through environmental education including a virtual water resources camp, community clean-up days, environmental oral histories, citizen science, surveys, participatory community meetings, and other outreach.

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